Rating and Valuation Department
Rating and Valuation Department
Rating and Valuation Department
Rating and Valuation Department
Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap. 7) Part IVA ("Ordinance") - Regulated Tenancies Second Term Tenancy Rent Calculator ("Calculator")

This Calculator provides rent and other information for the second term tenancy of a regulated tenancy for reference. Please watch the video “How to use the Second Term Tenancy Rent Calculator” for introduction and examples.


In this calculator, the terms "regulated tenancy" , "first term tenancy" , "offer period" , "second term offer" , "second term tenancy" , "Form AR1" , "control percentage" , "rental index" have the meanings assigned to them by section 120AA(1) of the Ordinance.

(I) Input Particulars of the First Term Tenancy

(1) Commencement date of the first term tenancy:

(2) Rent:

(using the amount of rent last payable as reference)

/per month

(II) Particulars of the Second Term Tenancy (Provided by Calculator)

(3) Commencement date of the second term tenancy:

(4) Offer period:

For the whole month of

(5) Maximum percentage for the increase of rent:

(6) Maximum amount of rent for the second term tenancy:

/per month


The above information is based on the information you have input and is for reference only. This Department accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of this Calculator.

(III) Calculation Details of the Control Percentage
